Warning Signs Your Basement Requires Waterproofing

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Typically, problems with damp in your home will start off minor and may seem insignificant. As such, some homeowners may not even be aware of the problems if they do not know what to look for. However, neglecting the signs can allow the water damage to escalate. This will result in exorbitant repairs and could even cause permanent damage to you home. Therefore, it is prudent to call on waterproofing contractors when you are suspicious of potential damp problems in your home. One of the rooms that is susceptible to these moisture problems is the basement. Here are some of the warning signs that would be indicative of your basement requiring waterproofing.

Staining on your basements walls

One of the surefire signs of a damp problem in your basement is when stains start forming on the walls. These will usually be in the form of darkened patches. The patches form when water has seeped into the walls and begins to accumulate within them. In addition to the darkened patches, you may also come across efflorescence. This is caused by a mineral substance that is white and chalky in appearance. It starts to become deposited as the water makes your walls increasingly porous.

Mould on your basement walls

Another cause for concern when it comes to your basement is the development of mould. Mould thrives in dark and warm places that have a sufficient supply of moisture. Since basements are typically not well ventilated, they have a high chance of becoming prone to mould. Factor in leaks and lack of waterproofing, your basement becomes a prime breeding ground for these types of fungi. Mould is hazardous for various reasons. Firstly, left undeterred, it spreads and could compromise your entire basement. Secondly, as the mould keeps breeding, it releases spores into the air. These spores can spread around your entire household and cause respiratory diseases to everyone living under that roof. It would be prudent to seek waterproofing as well as mould elimination services.

Bowing of your basement walls

Bowing is whereby the walls in your basement are no longer straight. The bowing could be in the form of inward curvature of the walls or in the form of the walls bulging outward. Bowing comes about due to pressure exerted on the walls as they gradually absorb water. If left unchecked, the structural integrity of your basement walls could become severely compromised and this will lead to expensive structural repairs. It is best to call on waterproofing contractors who can determine the source of the water and prevent further damage.

Contact a company like Lucas Water Proofing Systems Vic. Pty Ltd for more information.
