Common Mistakes Made With Commercial Electrical Systems

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In your commercial building, you need to keep it safe for your employees and customers. To do this, it requires keeping your electrical system safe. While you might not the obvious safety precautions, such as not putting electrical appliances near water, there are some other mistakes that people tend to make. Here are some common mistakes made with commercial electrical systems that you should try to avoid.

Overloading Circuits 

If you have an older commercial building, it might not be set up for plugging in a lot of computer equipment or electronic devices. This unfortunately leads to many blackouts and power outages when people don't realise how outdated their electrical system is. Unless you know for sure the electrical system can handle a lot of appliances and equipment, have an electrician inspect the system first. Make sure they know you have an office with a lot of computers and printers, or that you need the circuits in your server room to be able to handle a lot of power at all times.

Not Using a Generator Correctly

Having a portable generator is a good way to restore power in an emergency, such as during a storm when your entire area has a power outage. It keeps your employees safe during the power outage, and can even help you continue conducting business. However, you need to know all the rules of using the power generator. A common mistake is keeping the generator stored inside your building or plugging it directly into a wall outlet. These are two things you should never do with a generator.

Ignoring Signs of Faulty Wiring

Your building might be showing you signs that your electrical wiring needs to be inspected, but you assume they are minor issues. The signs may be subtle, but are still good reasons to have an electrical contractor look at your wiring and let you know if it needs to be replaced. For example, having flickering lights, even rarely, is not normal. If this keeps occurring, you need to have an electrician come by. Some other signs of faulty wiring includes sparks from the outlets, outlets and switches that feel warm to the touch, and frequent blown fuses.

While these things might seem minor, they could lead to an electrical fire if you aren't careful. Always practice on the side of caution and have your building's electrical system inspected and repaired if you feel uneasy about anything.
