Repairing uneven surfaces | Fixing poorly draining slopes on concrete floors

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Concrete floors are designed to last for ages, and perhaps that's what makes them so popular. However, these floors face a number of problems, particularly when they are poorly installed. One of the major challenges is uneven surfaces. Having a poorly sloped concrete surface in the garage or pavement, for instance, would lead to drainage issues as water collects in puddles. Accumulated puddles are a safety hazard and may even lead to damaging of the concrete in freezing areas. If you experience such problems, not to worry, there are a number of ways you can fix them with the help of a professional.

Concrete grinding

Concrete grinding involves using abrasive materials to scrub and polish the imperfect areas of the concrete. It's a good technique of levelling off the high areas and creating a uniform surface. However, you can't use this technique for all scenarios. Concrete grinding is best used when the concrete surface forms a 'V' shape that traps water. Concrete contracts during curing and if the surface contracts more than the rest of the slab, then it pulls at the edges of the concrete, raising them up. Two edges of the concrete slabs pulled in different directions form the 'V' shapes that accumulate water. In such a scenario, concrete grinding can be used to grind the raised edges back to their original position. 

Use self-levelling concrete resurfaces

Another good option to level a concrete surface is to go for self-levelling resurfaces. A self-levelling resurface is an underlayment that is mixed and added to the concrete surface to fill out the uneven slopes. The best part about using such a product is that it easily flows to fill out depressions on pouring. All you need to do is mix it up with water in the ratio described in the manufacturer's instructions. As a plus, these resurface products also cure incredibly fast.

You can go for self-levelling resurfaces if the area has got a severely sloping uneven slope that can't be levelled out by grinding. Different products are also suited for different degrees of slopes.


Polyjacking involves using polyurethane foam. This technique only works with concrete slabs such as pavements or sidewalks. Polyjacking is an improved version of mudjacking; instead of pumping mud or slurry concrete beneath the slabs, polyurethane foam is used. Holes are drilled on the concrete slab that recessed and then the foam is injected underneath them. The foam expands beneath the concrete and lifts the sunken slabs, getting them back to a desirable level. The advantage of using polyurethane foam is that it cures in minutes.
