4 Reasons to Use Ground-Penetrating Radar for Construction Projects

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In the past, a geologist or surveyor had to excavate the ground and analyse the contents within the layers. However, new technology like ground-penetrating radar has completely revolutionised in-ground surveys. The radar has a transmitter that sends electromagnetic waves into the ground. As the pulse passes through the ground material, it gets distorted by the conducive and di-electric properties. The pulse bounces back to the machine and displays the contrast between the soil and other materials in the ground. The images help the professionals understand the inner layers. Here are four reasons why you should use GPR for construction projects. 

It Does Not Need Excavation

The two methods of determining what was in the ground in the past were schematics and excavation. Schematics proved complicated because they do not pick up everything about the site. Some cases of ancient burial sites and other related discoveries have been made years after construction. Dealing with such a complication can be highly disruptive. Excavation causes massive damage to the environment. It also leads to significant wastage of time and money. GPR does not require digging, which makes it the ideal way to study the sub-strata before construction. 

It Prevents Future Complications

Construction can lead to unforeseen future complications when you do not study the soil comprehensively. Loose soil and erosion-prone parts of the property are common pitfalls. GPR will notice these issues and give you time to plan and avoid them. 

The Process Is Quiet

There is a rising concern about the noise levels that result from specific construction processes. Excavation is a noisy process and also causes annoying vibrations. You might have to deal with annoyed neighbours because of the noise. The situation can sometimes escalate into lawsuits. Sometimes, the vibration affects the stability of the existing structures, lowering their value. GPR does not cause noise pollution or vibrations. It is an excellent alternative when working in an urban area where order and quiet are crucial. 

The Method Works Everywhere

It is also advisable to consider the feasibility of the process before engaging in it. Excavation only works well when the soil is soft enough to allow the equipment to dig through it. Rocky places are close to impossible to excavate. GPR penetrates hard rocks and indicates what lies beneath the surface. 

Ground-penetrating radar has countless benefits. Consult surveyors who have used the method. They can help you perform a successful in-ground survey and understand your construction site.  
