Pipe Damage | 3 Triggers Of Premature Pipe Corrosion In Your Plumbing System

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When it comes to the pipes in your bathroom or kitchen, several factors work together to corrode them gradually. But pipe corrosion will occur prematurely if you're not careful. Corrosion can end up being expensive if you overlook it for too long, so you will need to get your plumbers to perform routine checks to repair or replace them when necessary. This guide helps you understand some triggers of premature pipe corrosion, so that you can take necessary action.

High Acidic Content In Water Supplied To Your Home   

Pipes used to transport water to homes are often made from metals like copper, steel, iron and aluminium. Water sent to many homes in Australia contains fluorosilicic acid and sodium fluoride to enable healthy teeth in people. But this high acidic content in water supplied to homes can be hazardous against the protective barriers of these metal pipes. You will either need to get your plumber to raise the acidic content of your water using neutralising substances or filters. Plumbers will need to routinely backwash neutralising filters because these filters serve to remove acidic particles from the water. You may also want to consider replacing your pipes to high-quality plastic or concrete to prevent premature corrosion frequently in your home.

Too Many Minerals Present In Water

If the water supplied to your home contains too many minerals, then the pipes connected to your home will start to corrode prematurely. For example, if your water contains more calcium than necessary, then these deposits will remain along the inner surface of the pipes and will start to corrode them over time. If you leave these types of deposits unchecked for too long, your water quality will start becoming poorer and your pipes will block supply eventually. Your plumbers will then have to replace these pipes completely. A good way to prevent this is to get your plumbers to clean your pipes regularly to prevent mineral deposits from settling inside pipes.

High Water Pressure And Temperature

If hot water regularly flows through your pipes, then it can cause premature pipe corrosion because the heat aggravates the metallic components. Similarly, excessive pressure and velocity can cause corrosion because of internal turbulence. The gradual degradation will convert metal into rust. These impurities in the pipelines will create blockages over time, which will eventually restrict the flow of water. Your plumbers will need to replace the pipes to heat-friendlier materials like chlorinated polyvinylchloride or concrete.

Understanding the triggers of premature pipe corrosion will help you get timely intervention from professional plumbers.  
